Home > Tutorials and Resources > Getting Started Guide for Local Test Server Setup

Getting Started Guide for Local Test Server Setup

By B Lingafelter     Updated      testserver, workflow

This guide is provided for ButlerCC Web Development students that need to install and configure a test server for local development to complete their course work. Instructions for both Windows and Mac operating systems are included. Some but not all instructions have been updated to reflect current versions of the applications. Updates will continue.

While you can download and install Apache, MySQL, and PHP individually, the all-in-one packages are currently quite good and easier to work with. Instructions in this guide are provided for installing and configuring XAMPP on Windows and OS X, and MAMP on Mac systems. There are three main tasks required for setup: install a package for your operating system, configure PHP for development purposes, and optionally, setup virtual hosts to make working with multiple websites easier.
